Today I Am

  • Today I Am
  • Today I Am
  • Today I Am
  • Today I Am
  • Today I Am
  • Today I Am

Inspired by the award-winning children’s picture book “Today I Am”, we created the partner iPad app to add value to the beautiful content. From Curious to Furious, from Sad to Shy, “Today I Am”, shows all the emotions a young child encounters. It includes 20 words to help your child identify and understand common emotions. Each emotion is paired with a charming little fish showing a particular feeling, along with its name in lettering that expresses the same emotion. Dive into “Today I Am” to meet the most dazzling fish that spark laughter and empathy.

We were fascinated and delighted by the vibrant artwork of the book, and sought to find ways to get kids further engaged through the app. ‘My Words’ introduces a child to over 60 feeling words to expand their emotional vocabulary. We also sought to create a fun learning tool that would also benefit parents, so we added in the ‘My Feelings’ feature that allows a child to keep a daily record of their emotions. A parent can keep a track of this data, observe trends and use it to start important conversations about emotions. Although we had to navigate around constraints regarding the original art, we came up with an art-and-craft themed app that introduces children to emotions by drawing on their penchant for exploration.

To see the app in action, check out the demo video.


  • MY FISH – Learn emotions

With My Fish, your child learns their first emotions. It includes 20 words to help your child identify and understand common emotions and feelings.

  • MY FEELINGS – Record your emotions

With My Feelings, your child records their emotions in a diary with over 20 feelings to choose from. It equips parents with a toolkit to view their child’s overall emotional well being without words.

  • MY WORDS – Build your vocabulary

With My Words, your child can learn new words based on vocabulary that is introduced to them in the book.


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