Xin Long woke up and her dragon guardian, Xiao Lan, nuzzled her. She stared at the clock on the wall. It was 7am and it was still early. She wanted to laze around in bed some more, but she knew that she should get ready to go for tuition. What should she do?
[[Laze in bed->Lazing around in bed]]
[[Get ready for tuition->Get ready for tuition]]"Xin Long! Are you lazing about again?" Her father screamed. Sighing, Xin Long walked towards the washroom to get ready for tuition. In the washroom, she started to feel giddy, but she held onto the sink to steady herself. Xiao Lan curled around her head, She could choose to call her father for help, or have Xiao Lan take care of her.
[[Call her father for help-> Call her father for help.]]
[[Let Xiao Lan take care of her.-> Let Xiao Lan take care of her.]]Xin long walked towards the cupboard in her room, and two eyes stared at her. She jumped back. The...creature emerged from the darkness and sat on her bed. It was a pixiu, a creature that looked like a winged lion, and a symbol of prosperity. "Xin Long," it said, "the Jade Emperor needs your help."
Go with the pixiu.
Go for tuition."Dad! I'm not feeling well!" Xin Long shouted. She heard footsteps patter to the bathroom. "Are you trying to get out of going to class again?" he asked. Just as Xin Long was about to shake her head, she fainted. As Xin Long plunged into the realm of the unconscious, she realised that she was standing before the Jade Emperor's palace.
Talk to the guards at the entrance.
Say hi to the guards and enter the palace.Knowing that her father would accuse her of slacking off, Xin Long decides that her life will be in Xiao Lan's hands. As she collapses to the ground, she think she sees Xiao Lan's face in front of her...but she can't be too sure.